News list for " ripley"

Kraken CEO: Completed return of BTC and BCH to Mt. Gox creditors

Kraken CEO Dave Ripley said at X that Kraken has successfully returned bitcoin and bitcoin cash received from Mt. Gox to Mt. Gox creditors, nearly a decade after the trustee chose Kraken to facilitate the investigation and return of customer funds.

2024-07-24 19:00:47
Kraken CEO:已完成向 Mt.Gox 债权人返还 BTC 和 BCH

Kraken 首席执行官 Dave Ripley 在 X 表示,Kraken 已成功将从 Mt.Gox 收到的比特币和比特币现金返还给了 Mt.Gox 债权人,自受托人选择 Kraken 来促进客户资金的调查和返还以来,已经过去近十年了。

2024-07-24 19:00:47
Kraken CEO: BTC and BCH from Mt. Gox assets have been distributed to creditors

"Kraken has successfully distributed BTC and BCH from Mt. Gox assets to creditors," said Dave Ripley, chief executive of crypto exchange Kraken, in a post on X. "It has been nearly 10 years since Kraken was selected by the custodian to assist in the investigation and return of client funds. It is our privilege and our responsibility."

2024-07-24 10:49:14
Kraken CEO:已将门头沟Mt.Gox资产中的BTC和BCH分配给债权人

加密交易所Kraken CEO Dave Ripley在X平台发文表示,“Kraken已成功将Mt.Gox资产中的BTC和BCH分配给债权人。自从Kraken被托管人选中协助调查和返还客户资金已经接近10年。这是我们的荣幸,也是我们的职责。”

2024-07-24 10:49:14